Saturday, March 25, 2006

A little more info on my poor bird

Goober had congenitially defective kidneys. The vet described the tumor on her kidney as being "horrific" and said that kidney was totally shut down from it. It didn't seem like there was anything that could have been done. Maybe if we'd caught it earlier? So easy to second guess. Yes, she was sleeping a lot lately. But all my birds have been sleeping a lot. They're all older now. I think Annie is the youngest and she's 12.
She said Goober was "chronically dehyrated" which I couldn't understand. Not only do they always have a bottle of water on their cages, but their food is soaked in water and very moist. But I guess if your kidneys are bad you just can't process water properly. I should talk to the new guy at work, he's got dead kidneys and does dialysis 3x a week. Also, Goober had had previous bouts of near kidney failure which she had survived--and I never knew. My little trooper. God, I miss her.
I had a night time ritual. When I was going to bed, I'd pause at the bottom of the stairs, right outside the bird room, and said "goodnight" and a little bird voice would answer "goodnight."
That little bird voice is gone. I guess only Goober knew how to say it. Or the others just aren't talking.
Because Zeebo shares both parents with Goober, the vet took some blood from him. If his kidneys are bad, I guess there are treatment options. I'll medicate him if that will keep him alive. But I won't do dialysis or anything that will hurt him.

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