Wednesday, April 19, 2006

my cat

Okay, I have to buckle down and admit my cat is sick. I hate it. I lost two birds in 7 months. I can't lose my Zen-Zen too. But he's lost over 2 lbs in the last year (went from 14 and change to 12.1). He's been puking, which isn't new. And limping, which is. I'm sure that it's just his stupid allergies. They cause this systemic inflammation which shows up in odd ways. Swollen or cracked paws. Scabs on the back of his legs (running in a line like an old fashioned stocking; they're called granulomas). Swollen chin (which he has now), swollen head. Usually the vet just gives him a cortisone shot and once in a while some pills too.
I took him to the vet yesterday. The vet was concerned that he was panting and his heart was racing, plus the weight loss. Well, #1 he hates the car #2 he hates the vet #3 we were left waiting in the office for half an hour while the poor cat got more and more hysterical. He doesn't pant like that at home.
So I looked up his symptoms and if it's not his allergy thing, it could be his thyroid, which seems pretty fixable. I was supposed to hear from the vet a half hour ago. I'm making myself sick over this. I need to know. When I know, I can act.
I know death is the way of the world. But I've had my share lately
. And my dad's state hangs over me constantly as well. Plus my weight, my bad job, my debt--I have enough stress on me. I'm going to be the one getting sick next.

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