Sunday, December 31, 2006 6 Etznab 11 Kankin

Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
6 Etznab (day 58 of 260) portal
2182 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Etznab warns of a period of indecision--not all elements are in place to make a choice. It also indicates lack of gratitude for services rendered, or improper compensation. Someone wants something for nothing. If desires don’t manifest, it is because there is no space for them. (C)

Saturday, December 30, 2006 5 Caban 10 Kankin

Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
5 Caban (day 57 of 260)
2183 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Macuilli Ollin Five Earthquake
Mayan: Ho Caban Five Movement, Incense
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: physical
Trecana Ruler: Ben
Direction: East
Element: Fire

Friday, December 29, 2006 4 Cib 9 Kankin

Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
4 Cib (day 56 of 260)
2184 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: We all carry psychic and physical garbage through our lifetimes. We let it pile up because we don't want to deal with it, but hidden underneath (sometimes nourished by the debris and the dark) are treasures. You just have to be brave enough to pick through the trash of the past to find them. (c)

Thursday, December 28, 2006 3 Men 8 Kankin

Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
3 Men (day 55 of 260) burner
2185 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 3 Men birthdays: Groucho Marx, Norman Jewison, Peter Lorre, Robert Wagner, Debbie Allen , Donny Most, Michael Stipe, Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin, Ari Meyers, Michelle Branch, Robyn Richards (c)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 2 Ix 7 Kankin

Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
2 Ix (day 54 of 260)
2186 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Ix warns that nature or natural energies have been or are being abused. Ix signifies a disconnection from nature and/or the Divine, and disassociation from self and peers. (c)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 1 Ben 6 Kankin

Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
1 Ben (day 53 of 260)
2187 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Affirmation: I teach
Planet(Arguelles): Mars
Color: Red
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Libra/Venus, Sagittarius/Jupiter, Mars
Aztec Deity: Tezcatlipoca (c)

Monday, December 25, 2006 13 Eb 5 Kankin

Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
13 Eb (day 52 of 260)
2188 days until 12-21-2012
Merry Christmas!
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: The Aztec glyph for Eb is grass growing from a jawbone. This twisted grass represents karma. Most people are bound with sticky strands of karma. Karma says "I love you if" or "I love you because" while freedom says "I love you." Eb is also the road, the path of life, the journey. (c)

Sunday, December 24, 2006 12 Chuen 4 Kankin

Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
12 Chuen (day 51 of 260) manifestation portal 12 Chuen 4 Kankin
2189 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Chuen warns of a too-serious or too-comfortable life, lacking all spice, fun and wonderment. Chuen says it’s time to experiment or try something new and different. (c)

Saturday, December 23, 2006 11 Oc 3 Kankin

Lord of the Night #6: Chalchihuitlicue,
11 Oc (day 50 of 260) manifestation portal/burner
2190 days until 12-21-2012
Today is that rare creature, a simultaneous Burner day and Portal day (Manifestation--inward/downward/yin energy). Since it's a day that things can happen that affect large numbers of people (like natural disasters) and also a day things can manifest, there's always a possibility that someone high in power somewhere could manifest something that will affect lots of people. Good? Bad? 11 is pretty high energy, but Oc is usually positive--Oc's the guardian angel/spirit guide/unconditional love puppy dog.
No excerpt today

Friday, December 22, 2006 10 Muluc 2 Kankin

Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
10 Muluc (day 49 of 260)
2191 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Mactlactli Atl Ten Water
Mayan: Lahun Muluc Ten Water, Moon
Energy Type: normal
phere of Influence: emotional
Trecana Ruler: Ahau
Direction: East
Element: Fire (c)

Thursday, December 21, 2006 9 Lamat 1 Kankin....Happy Yule

Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
9 Lamat (day 48 of 260)
2192 days until 12-21-2012
Yule/first day of winter
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Invite your friends, co-workers and some casual acquaintances over and have a party. Have a naughty room, full of bad-for-the-body but still yummy food and drinks and maybe some risque games, and have a nice room with gorgeous platters of healthy snacks and fun, silly games. (c)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8 Manik 0 Kankin

Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
8 Manik (day 47 of 260)
2193 days until 12-21-2012
The seating of Kankin! For the Maya, it mean "Mature sun" (also the yellow of the sun) while the Aztecs called in Hueypachtli "Large Hay."
Celebrate helping! Celebrate those who help you. Drop some extra money in the Salvation army cauldron today. Offer to help a friend with her kids so she can go shopping. Thank the person who watched YOUR kids so you could go shopping. You get it.
(no excerpt today)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7 Cimi 19 Mac

Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
7 Cimi (day 46 of 260)
2194 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Cimi illustrates fear of change, represents cessation of movement, energy and ideas, and illuminates fears of the unknown. Conditional statements (I love you if, my life would be better if) block acceptance and allowance.

Monday, December 18, 2006 6 Chicchan 18 Mac

Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
6 Chicchan (day 45 of 260)
2195 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Chicuace Coatl Six Snake
Mayan: Uac Chicchan Six Snake
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: psychic
Trecana Ruler: Ahau
Direction: East
Element: Fire

Sunday, December 17, 2006 5 Kan 17 Mac

Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
5 Kan (day 44 of 260)
2196 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Kan is the seed of infinite possibilities, the muse, all the ideas waiting to be put onto paper or into action. Kan represents inspiration. The lizard Kan represents fertility, expansion and growth.(c)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 4 Akbal 16 Mac manifestation portal

Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
4 Akbal (day 43 of 260) manifestation portal
2197 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 4 Akbal birthdays: Wyatt Earp, Frank Lloyd Wright, H.G. Wells, W.E.B. DuBois, Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton , George Dolenz, Tammy Faye Bakker, Rod Stewart, Donald Trump, Alan Thicke, Paloma Picasso, Bill Murray, Ed Autry, LeVar Burton, Cliff Burton, Lennox Lewis, Gevera Bert Piedmont, Eric Von Detten (c)

Friday, December 15, 2006 3 Ik 15 Mac

Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
3 Ik (day 42 of 260)
2198 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Yei Ehecatl Three Wind
Mayan: Ox Ik Three Wind
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: mental
Trecana Ruler: Ahau
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Affirmation: I speak (c)

Thursday, December 14, 2006 2 Imix 14 Mac

Lord of the Night #6: Chalchihuitlicue
2 Imix (day 41 of 260)
2199 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Imix is the crocodile, upon whose back the earth rests; Mother Earth. Imix nurtures and protects and provides whatever is needed. (c)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1 Ahau 13 Mac

Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
1 Ahau (day 40 of 260)
2200 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Ahau illuminates a lack of expectations, indifference and apathy leading to low standards (or no standards at all). Neglecting the divine spark inside. Feeling that life isn’t worth living and that nothing matters.(c)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 13 Cauac 12 Mac (portal)

Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
13 Cauac (day 39 of 260) manifestation portal
2201 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If your Tzolkin birthday is 13 Cauac: You live a stormy life, full of dramatic outbursts and drowning emotions. This inevitably spills over onto those around you, who are enamored of your histrionics at first, and later bored. Your shadow self wants to be free, but not alone. You lack coyopa (lightning in the blood). (c)

Monday, December 11, 2006 12 Etznab 11 Mac

Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
12 Etznab (day 38 of 260)
2202 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Etznab warns of a period of indecision--not all elements are in place to make a choice. It also indicates lack of gratitude for services rendered, or improper compensation. Someone wants something for nothing. If desires don’t manifest, it is because there is no space for them. (c)

Sunday, December 10, 2006 11 Caban 10 Mac

Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
11 Caban (day 37 of 260)
2203 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 11 Caban birthdays: Timothy Leary, Harold Pinter, Angela Lansbury, Peggy Fleming, Jackie Chan , Scott Robinson (c)

Saturday, December 09, 2006 10 Cib 9 Mac

Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
10 Cib (day 36 of 260)
2204 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Trecana Ruler: Manik
Direction: South
Element: Water
Affirmation: I forgive
Planet(Arguelles): Saturn
Color: Yellow
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Capricorn/Saturn, Taurus
Aztec Deity: Itzpapalotl (c)

Friday, December 08, 2006 9 Men 8 Mac

Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
9 Men (day 35 of 260)
2205 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Men warns that information is being withheld those judged unworthy or not ready to accept it. The inner voice of wisdom is being ignored. Ideas of tidy classification of knowledge and people may be constricting. (c)

Thursday, December 07, 2006 8 Ix 7 Mac

Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
8 Ix (day 34 of 260)
2206 days until 12-21-2012
Celebrate Ix, the Jaguar Shaman! Connect with nature, talk to the (almost) full moon. Since the Lord of the Night for today rules mountains, maybe climb a hill to commune with the earth from high up.
No Jaguar Nights excerpt today. (c)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 7 Ben 6 Mac

Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
7 Ben (day 33 of 260)
2207 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Tree of Life:
West, Top, Past Support:
11 Chicchan (Day 245)
North, Left, Feminine Support: South, Right, Masculine Support:
1 Cauac (Day 79) 13 Manik (Day 247)
East, Bottom, Future Support:
3 Imix (Day 81) (c)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006 6 Eb 5 Mac

Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue
6 Eb (day 32 of 260)
2208 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 6 Eb birthdays:
Joel McCrea, Liberace, Cab Calloway, Montgomery Clift, Maria Tallchief , Rocky Colavito, Joe Lieberman, Jerry Lee Lewis, Ann Blyth, Mel Brooks, Elmore Leonard, Peter Noone, Ron "Horshack" Palillo, Martin Luther King III, Juliette Lewis (c)

Monday, December 04, 2006 5 Chuen 4 Mac

Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
5 Chuen (day 31 of 260)
2209 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Direction: West
Element: Air
Affirmation: I laugh
Planet(Arguelles): Venus
Color: Blue
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Leo/Sun, Gemini/Mercury, Aquarius
Aztec Deity: Xochipilli (c)

Sunday, December 03, 2006 4 Oc 3 Mac

Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
4 Oc (day 30 of 260) burner
2210 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: All your senses seem heightened. Colors look different, smells are stronger, the breeze ruffling your hair sends a shiver down your spine. Indulge those senses with fine food, try on expense scent, listen to sublime music, and revel in all of it. (c)

Saturday, December 02, 2006 3 Muluc 2 Mac

Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
3 Muluc (day 29 of 260)
2211 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Muluc, water, represents emotions. The Aztec glyph is water contained in a canal--emotion under tight, artificial control. The Mayan glyph shows a portal, a place of transformation. (While Akbal is a place of gradual transformation, the portal transforms instantly.) Portal of transcendence are not for everyone to enter--they require a high degree of trust and an element of surrender. (c)

Friday, December 01, 2006 2 Lamat 1 Mac

Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
2 Lamat (day 28 of 260)
2212 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: psychic
Trecana Ruler: Manik
Direction: South
Element: Water
Affirmation: I indulge (c)

Thursday, November 30, 2006 1 Manik 0 Mac

Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
1 Manik (day 27 of 260)
2213 days until 12-21-2012
The Seating of Mac: known to the Maya as "cover"; the Aztecs called this month Pachtontli (Small Hay)
No excerpt today

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 13 Cimi 19 Cen

Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
13 Cimi (day 26 of 260)
2214 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Cimi is transformation while Akbal is the place where transformation happens. Cimi describes the act of changing from one state to another with no judgment on the value of the change. Wife to mother, ordinary person to healer, employed to unemployed--Cimi touches all changes. (c)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 12 Chicchan 18 Cen

Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
12 Chicchan (day 25 of 260)
2215 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Sphere of Influence: psychic
Trecana Ruler: Ix
Direction: East
Element: Fire
Affirmation: I see
Planet(Arguelles): A-Belt
Color: Red
Western Astrology Correlations (Scofield): Aries, Scorpio, Gemini, Leo
Aztec Deity: Chalchihuitlicue (c)

Monday, November 27, 2006 11 Kan 17 Cen

Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
11 Kan (day 24 of 260)
2216 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Being overwhelmed with possibilities results in writer's block, boredom, and mediocrity. Kan can represent taking away options and narrowing possibilities; hiding the light. (c)

Sunday, November 26, 2006 10 Akbal 16 Cen

Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue
10 Akbal (day 23 of 260)
2217 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Akbal is the dark cave of transformation (Cimi), the womb, the cocoon. Akbal signifies a state of readiness and a willingness to change. It is a place to be alone, to plan, to heal, to grow. Akbal is the dark shadow that must be accepted and integrated, not rejected. Akbal is the safest place: home, hidey-hole, security blanket. (c)

Saturday, November 25, 2006 9 Ik 15 Cen

Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
9 Ik (day 22 of 260) portal
2218 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: You feel superior and condescending. Your vision is clear; you easily see what everyone around you is doing wrong and how to correct it, and you just blurt that out without considering the other person's feelings. However, when someone does the same to you, you get very defensive and angry. (c)

Friday, November 24, 2006 8 Imix 14 Cen

Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
8 Imix (day 21 of 260)
2219 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Chicuei Cipactli Eight Crocodile, Water Monster
Mayan: Uaxac Imix Eight Alligator, Dragon
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: mental
Trecana Ruler: Ix
Direction: East
Element: Fire
Affirmation: I care

Thursday, November 23, 2006 7 Ahau 13 Cen

Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
7 Ahau (day 20 of 260) portal
2220 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Ahau illuminates a lack of expectations, indifference and apathy leading to low standards (or no standards at all). Neglecting the divine spark inside. Feeling that life isn’t worth living and that nothing matters. (c)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6 Cauac 12 Cen

Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
6 Cauac (day 19 of 260)
2221 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road:
Cauac warns of greed and selfishness, the kind of thinking where if “one is good, three must be better” which causes accidental overdoses, poisonings and addictions. Presuming to know the mind of the Divine or always questioning “why?” instead of accepting. (c)

I solved the mystery of my two missing posts. Evidently Blogger doesn't keep your blogs in the same order all the time on the dashboard. Your most recent blog is always on top. I posted the "missing" days to the Shamanic Musings blog instead of this one. So that's why they're out of order on my RSS feed. I figured it out today when I saw my header bar read "had a dad" and I thought, that's weird, the wrong title's coming up, and it was the wrong blog.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 5 Etznab 11 Cen

Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
5 Etznab (day 18 of 260)
2222 days until 12-21-2012!
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If today is your Tzolkin Birthday:
You lack “coyopa;” the lightning in the blood. You are truthful, honest, and full of integrity. You know that the world often chooses to value the ones who put a shiny pretty finish on reality instead of telling the blunt truth. Those around you admire you without envy. Your shadow self has been affected by the death of someone close. (c)

Monday, November 20, 2006 4 Caban 10 Cen

Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
4 Caban (day 17 of 260)
2223 days until 12-21-2012
4 Caban, 4 Ollin, is of course the center of the Aztec Sun Stone (Calendar stone). It's the name of this age we're living in, and ages are named for their endings. We are supposed to end in earthquakes. (c)
No excerpt today

Sunday, November 19, 2006 3 Cib 9 Cen

Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
3 Cib (day 16 of 260)
2224 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road:
Cib, the vulture, is the cosmic cleanser. Cib will remove the excess karma of Eb (more can still be created) Vultures eat everything, leaving the world clean. They may look and smell repellent but they ensure the survival of all. Cib will also eat sins and clean souls. (c)

Saturday, November 18, 2006 2 Men 8 Cen

Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
2 Men (day 15 of 260)
2225 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Trecana Ruler: Ix
Direction: West
Element: Air
Affirmation: I know
Planet(Arguelles): Jupiter
Color: Blue
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Aquarius, Scorpio, Virgo, Moon
Aztec Deity: Xipe Totec (c)

Friday, November 17, 2006 1 Ix 7 Cen

Lord of the Night #6: Chalchihuitlicue
1 Ix (day 14 of 260)
2226 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 1 Ix birthdays: Kahlil Gibran, Samuel "Lightnin'" Hopkins, George Patton, Gordon Parks, Bert Convy , Paul Winfield, Nolan Ryan, Claude Lelouch, Laura Nyro, Antonio Banderas (c)

Thursday, November 16, 2006 13 Ben 6 Cen

Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
13 Ben (Day 13 of 260)
2227 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Take all that you've experienced, seen, done and learned and synthesize it into one world view that encompasses all your beliefs. Then teach. (c)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12 Eb 5 Cen

Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
12 Eb (day 12 of 260)
2228 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Eb explores false obligations which constrain. Others’ opinions matter too much. Excessive worry about others and what they think and need leaves no room for growth. Conditional and judgmental love destroys relationships. Eb represents a focus on endings instead of the ways and means to get there.(c) 12 Eb 5 Cen

Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
12 Eb (day 12 of 260)
2228 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Eb explores false obligations which constrain. Others’ opinions matter too much. Excessive worry about others and what they think and need leaves no room for growth. Conditional and judgmental love destroys relationships. Eb represents a focus on endings instead of the ways and means to get there.(c)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11 Chuen 4 Cen

Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
11 Chuen (day 11 of 260)
2229 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Mactlactlce Ozomatli Eleven Monkey
Mayan: Buluc Chuen Eleven Monkey
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: emotional
Trecana Ruler: Imix
Direction: West
Element: Air (c)

Monday, November 13, 2006 10 Oc 3 Cen

Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
10 Oc (day 10 of 260) burner
2230 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If today is your Tzolkin birthday, these are your personal burner days: 6 Cauac (Day 19); 13 Cauac (Day 39); 7 Cauac (Day 59); 12 Kan (Day 64); 6 Kan (Day 84);13 Kan (Day 104); 7 Kan (Day 124); 12 Muluc (Day 129); 6 Muluc (Day 149); 13 Muluc (Day 169);7 Muluc (Day 189); 12 Ix (Day 194); 6 Ix (Day 214); 13 Ix (Day 234); 7 Ix (Day 254);12 Cauac (Day 259)(c)

Sunday, November 12, 2006 9 Muluc 2 Cen

Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
9 Muluc (day 9 of 260)
2231 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road:
Muluc, water, represents emotions. The Aztec glyph is water contained in a canal--emotion under tight, artificial control. The Mayan glyph shows a portal, a place of transformation. (While Akbal is a place of gradual transformation, the portal transforms instantly.) Portals of transcendence are not for everyone to enter--they require a high degree of trust and an element of surrender.(c)

Saturday, November 11, 2006 8 Lamat 1 Cen

8 Lamat (day 8 of 260)
2232 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Celebration day for Lamat, which is indulgence. So do something for YOURSELF today.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: As the star, Lamat warns of looking for answers outside and giving away power. Unwanted or inappropriate inference in another’s life. Rabbit symbolizes drunkenness, debauchery, overindulgence, wastefulness, greed and taking more than a fair share. (c)

Friday, November 10, 2006 7 Manik 0 Cen

7 Manik (day 7 of 260)
2233 days until 12-21-2012
Day of balance for Manik--Manik is the emotion of trust and also the helping hand that is extended to you.
Seating of Cen (or Ceh), the Deer. (Manik, in the Aztec calendar, is Mazatl or deer!), in Aztec Ochpaniztli (Sweeping)
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: psychic
Trecana Ruler: Imix
Direction: West
Element: Air
Affirmation: I do (c)

Thursday, November 09, 2006 6 Cimi 19 Zac

6 Cimi (day 6 of 260)
2234 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Stand up for what you believe in. Don't let what's important to you get swept aside because not enough voices are heard defending it. If you have a dream, speak out and tell the world. (c)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006 5 Chicchan 18 Zac

5 Chicchan (day 5 of 260)
2235 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchihuitlicue
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Tree of Life:
West, Top, Past support: 9 Caban (Day 217)
North, Left, Feminine Support: 12 Chuen (Day 51)
South, Right, Masculine Support: 11 Cauac (Day 219)
East, Bottom, Future support: 1 Ben (Day 53) (c)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 4 Kan 17 Zac

4 Kan (day 4 of 260)
2236 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Kan is the seed of infinite possibilities, the muse, all the ideas waiting to be put onto paper or into action. Kan represents inspiration. The lizard Kan represents fertility, expansion and growth. (c)

Monday, November 06, 2006

new template

I've moved to Blogger Beta. Some elements of my template didn't translate well so if something looks funky in the sidebar, I apologize. With 3 blogs full of custom coding to transfer, it was bound to to happen. It will be fixed soon (probably not today) 3 Akbal 16 Zac

3 Akbal (day 3 of 260)
2237 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Mayan: Ox Akbal Three Dark, Night
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: mental
Trecana Ruler: Imix
Direction: West
Element: Air (c)

Sunday, November 05, 2006 2 Ik 15 Zac

2 Ik (day 2 of 260)
2238 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: The Breath of the Divine can harangue or destroy. It represents mis-communication, disagreements & need for compromising. The Tree of Life signifies lack of grounding, spaciness and lack of focus. (c)

Saturday, November 04, 2006 1 Imix 14 Zac~~ NEW TZOLKIN!

1 Imix (day 1 of 260) portal
2239 days until 12-21-2012
New Tzolkin
Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 1 Imix birthdays: Billy Wilder, Boris Spassky, Mitzi Gaynor, Anna Maria Alberghetti, Valerie Harper, Helen Gurley Brown, Vanessa Redgrave, Ace Frehley, Billy Bob Thornton, Nick Cave, Robert Carlyle, Matt Dillon, Jennifer Aniston, Yvonne Zima (c)

Friday, November 03, 2006 13 Ahau 13 Zac~~END OF TZOLKIN

3 Ahau (day 260 of 260) portal
2240 days until 12-21-2012
end of Tzolkin
Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: It's time to say goodbye. One cycle has ended and another is about to begin. Take what you have learned and thought and bring it forward. Always strive to be one step above where you were last time. You may grieve for what's past and gone, or thank it for enlightening you.(c)

Thursday, November 02, 2006 12 Cauac 12 Zac

12 Cauac (day 259 of 260)
2241 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Planet(Arguelles): Pluto
Color: Blue
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Gemini/Mercury, Scorpio, Moon
Aztec Deity: Tonatiuh(c)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 11 Etznab 11 Zac

11 Etznab (day 258 of 260)
2242 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Etznab warns of a period of indecision--not all elements are in place to make a choice. It also indicates lack of gratitude for services rendered, or improper compensation. Someone wants something for nothing. If desires don’t manifest, it is because there is no space for them. (c)

Tuesday, October 31, 2006 10 Caban 10 Zac

10 Caban (day 257 of 260)
2243 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Take it upon yourself to initiate change in the stagnant areas of your life. Toss everything into the air and see where all lands. Upheaval creates learning and growth. (c)

Monday, October 30, 2006 9 Cib 9 Zac

9 Cib (day 256 of 260)
2244 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Cib represents pollution and pestilence, all things which clog, ensnare and destroy. Part of the world (body and/or home) is ill-kept or polluted with toxins (drugs, alcohol, poor nutrition, dirt) Look at what others do, not how they look (or smell or dress), to see into their hearts. (c)

Sunday, October 29, 2006 8 Men 8 Zac

8 Men (day 255 of 260)
2245 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
Today is the celebration day for Men--the Eagle, the Wise One, the one who holds knowledge. What do you know? Share it, open up, let it out, let it go. Take a class, just because.
(no excerpt today)

Saturday, October 28, 2006 7 Ix 7 Zac

7 Ix (day 254 of 260)
2246 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
Today the energies of Ix, the Jaguar Shaman, are perfectly balanced. Happy sacred birthday to my friend Ellen!
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Sacred Birthday: You have “coyopa;” the lightning in the blood: Yes
You're a persuasive speaker, able to hold the attention of your listeners. The points that you make stay in their heads long afterward, and influence their thoughts. Most people think you're brilliant. Your shadow self craves excitement. (c)

Friday, October 27, 2006 6 Ben 6 Zac

6 Ben (day 253 of 260)
2247 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Ben indicates learning for the sake of learning, not to use or share the knowledge: knowledge without action is useless. Ben symbolizes hoarding information, goods or money, thereby stopping the flow of abundance. It also represents harmful experimentation and bad science. (c)

Thursday, October 26, 2006 5 Eb 5 Zac

5 Eb (day 252 of 260)
2248 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
Jagaur Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: The Aztec glyph for Eb is grass growing from a jawbone. This twisted grass represents karma. Most people are bound with sticky strands of karma. Karma says "I love you if" or "I love you because" while freedom says "I love you." Eb is also the road, the path of life, the journey. (c)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 4 Chuen 4 Zac

2249 days until 12-21-2012
4 Chuen (day 251 of 260)
Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If today is your Tzolkin birthday: You have “coyopa;” the lightning in the blood: No
You'd rather be alone, but the creative work you've chosen requires you to interact with others frequently. Being alone fuels your imagination while people dull your mind and senses. The few people who know you, like you, but most don't get the chance to be that close. Your shadow self craves excitement and destruction. (c)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 3 Oc 3 Zac

2250 days until 12-21-2012
3 Oc (day 250 of 260) burner
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Deep within you is a tiny spark. This spark may be of love for yourself, a friend, or a potential mate; or the beginning of an idea. Just as mankind had to keep the first fire alit once it was brought to them by Dog, so you must care for this spark, because it will change your life. (c)

Monday, October 23, 2006 2 Muluc 2 Zac

2251 days until 12-21-2012
2 Muluc (day 249 of 260)
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Ome Atl Two Water
Mayan: Ca Muluc Two Water, Moon
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: emotional(c)

Sunday, October 22, 2006 1 Lamat 1 Zac

1 Lamat (day 248 of 260)
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Your mind is filled with things you cannot have. They may be people and objects which aren't good for you, or something that is completely unobtainable. Try to come up with acceptable substitutes until the cravings pass.(c)

Saturday, October 21, 2006 13 Manik 0 Zac

The seating of Zac (White)/Hueymiccailhuitl (Grand Feast of The Dead)
13 Manik (day 247 of 260)
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Affirmation: I do
Planet(Arguelles): Earth
Color: Blue
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Scorpio/Pluto, Taurus/Venus, Uranus
Aztec Deity: Tlaloc(c)

Friday, October 20, 2006 12 Cimi 19 Yax

2254 days until 12-21-2012
12 Cimi (day 246 of 260)
Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Cimi illustrates fear of change, represents cessation of movement, energy and ideas, and illuminates fears of the unknown. Conditional statements (I love you if, my life would be better if) block acceptance and allowance. (c)

Thursday, October 19, 2006 11 Chicchan 18 Yax

11 Chicchan (day 245 of 260) burner
2255 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 11 Chicchan birthdays: Herman Melville, John Steinbeck, Henry Miller, Dick Smothers, Zubin Mehta , Willie Mays, Stephen Hawking, Samantha Eggar, Sam Donaldson, Roger Moore, Ivana Trump, Neal Peart, Sinead O'Connor, Nancy Kerrigan, Tina Yothers, Donovan McNabb, Venus Williams (c)
Mayan anniversary (11 Chicchan) of the day Saddam Hussein was found in his hole.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006 10 Kan 17 Yax

10 Kan (day 244 of 260)
2256 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: You feel impulsive--ideas appear in your mind, seemingly from nowhere, and you become fixated on achieving them. So many of these thoughts crowd your mind that you lose focus on your daily life and your life path. If the fixation is easy (and harmless), then do it; otherwise be strict with yourself and ignore it until it passes. (c)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9 Akbal 16 Yax

9 Akbal (day 243 of 260)
2257 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Chiucnahui Calli Nine House
Mayan: Bolon Akbal Nine Dark, Night
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: mental
Trecana Ruler: Men
Direction: West
Element: Air (c)
Non-Mayan calendar information for today: there is a special wave of energy coming in at10:17 a.m. this morning until 1:17 a.m. tonight with the peak at 5:10 p.m. (all time zones)--think positive thoughts. Full information posted on my Shamanic Musings blog.

Monday, October 16, 2006 8 Ik 15 Yax

8 Ik (day 242 of 260)
2258 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Ik is the Breath of the Divine and the Tree of Life. As the Breath of the Divine, Ik carries the words of the Creator. It can inspire or sanctify. The Breath of Life represents all aspects of communication, not just between the divine and the human. As the Tree of Life,it represents grounding, being connected to the Earth (Imix) and the Source. (c)

Sunday, October 15, 2006 7 Imix 14 Yax

7 Imix (day 241 of 260) intention portal--next to last one!
2259 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If your Tzolkin birthday is 7 Imix: You are the perfect parent, the perfect child, the perfect spouse, the perfect worker. Hardly anyone has ever seen you lose your temper or heard you raise your voice in anger. You're so very likable that your apparent perfection doesn't even annoy people. However, your shadow self filters and focuses your unsavory emotions into secret projects so others never catch a glimpse. (c)

Saturday, October 14, 2006 6 Ahau 13 Yax

6 Ahau (day 240 of 260)
2260 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Today is the "real" birthday (not the Tzolkin birthday) of one of my best friends. Using the overlay/fractal nature of the Tzolkin, today's Tzolkin birthday information will influence her for the next year. Happy birthday Ladyhawke!
Also, there's only 20 days left in this Tzolkin.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Transform your home into a lovely and welcoming place of peace. Decorate with flower motifs and scatter cut and potted flower and plants throughout, bringing inside their lordly energies. (c)

Friday, October 13, 2006 5 Cauac 12 Yax

5 Cauac (day 239 of 260) intention portal
2261 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
Only 2 more intention portals left in this Tzolkin! Use them wisely.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Trecana Ruler: Men
Direction: West
Element: Air
Affirmation: I receive
Planet(Arguelles): Pluto
Color: Blue
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Gemini/Mercury, Scorpio, Moon
Aztec Deity: Tonatiuh (c)

Thursday, October 12, 2006 4 Etznab 11 Yax

2262 days until 12-21-2012
4 Etznab (day 238 of 260)
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 4 Etznab birthdays: Jules Verne, Xavier Cugat, Douglas MacArthur, Ansel Adams, Minnie Pearl , Morey Amsterdam, Glen Campbell, R.D. Laing, Ann B. Davis, Jimmy Smits, Craig Kilborn, Natasha Richardson, Wendy Moniz, Junior Seau, Christina Applegate, Kim Elizabeth (c)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3 Caban 10 Yax

3 Caban (day 237 of 260)
2263 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Caban, the earthquake, demonstrates involuntary upheaval or great change (unlike Muluc, which is quick and voluntary). Caban destroys the old and creates a raw place which requires shaping, offering the opportunity to be completely different. Caban, the incense, carries affirmations, vows and prayers to the Divine (Ik carries the words of the Divine to humanity). Everything said is heard and acknowledged. (c)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2 Cib 9 Yax

2 Cib (day 236 of 260)
2264 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Ome Cozcacuauhtli Two Vulture
Mayan: Ca Cib Two Owl, Wax
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: spiritual
Trecana Ruler: Men
Direction: South
Element: Water (c)

Monday, October 09, 2006 1 Men 8 Yax

1 Men (day 235 of 260)
2265 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Men, the eagle, represents applied wisdom and knowledge. Men works with the information Ben discovers. Men may represent a person who is wise in all things, or just someone with a bit of helpful knowledge in a specific topic or field. (c)

Sunday, October 08, 2006 13 Ix 7 Yax

2266 days until 12-21-2012
13 Ix, day 234 of 260
Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 13 Ix birthdays: Emily Dickinson, Dorothy Lamour, George Bernard Shaw, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Russell Baker , Sarah Ferguson, Emeril Lagasse, Brian "Head" Welch (c)

Saturday, October 07, 2006 12 Ben 6 Yax

12 Ben (day 233 of 260)
2267 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Sometimes you have to give in, to bend in the wind, and sometimes you have to stand firm. Fight for what you know is right. Don't let justice get swept aside. Even if you think yours will be the only voice, raise it. (c)

Friday, October 06, 2006 11 Eb 5 Yax

11 Eb (day 232 of 260)
2268 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Tree of Life:
West, Top, Past Support: 2 Kan (Day 184)
North, Left, Feminine Support: 5 Etznab (Day 18)
South, Right, Masculine Support: 4 Cimi (Day 186)
East, Bottom, Future Support: 7 Ahau (Day 20)

Thursday, October 05, 2006 10 Chuen 4 Yax

10 Chuen (day 231 of 260)
2269 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Affirmation: I laugh
Planet(Arguelles): Venus
Color: Blue
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Leo/Sun, Gemini/Mercury, Aquarius

Wednesday, October 04, 2006 9 Oc 3 Yax

9 Oc (day 230 of 260)
2270 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Oc, the dog, is a spirit guide, guardian angel, totem animal, a human angel or any combination of them. Some entities watch over humanity constantly and others during a specific period. Oc helps in many forms. (c)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 8 Muluc 2 Yax

2271 days until 12-21-2012
Celebration day for Muluc. Muluc represents water, emotions, the moon, and trust. It is also a portal of instant transformation--but unlike Cimi, it's YOUR choice to enter this. Do you dare?
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue
(no excerpt today)

Monday, October 02, 2006 7 Lamat 1 Yax

7 Lamat (day 228 of 260)
2272 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy:
Look to the stars to find out where you're going and how where you've been affects you. Explore alternate zodiacs and astrological systems (Meso-American, Chinese, Egyptian) for deeper insights into your character. (c)

Sunday, October 01, 2006 6 Manik 0 Yax

6 Manik (day 227 of 260)
2273 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
Seating of Yax (Green), which the Aztecs called Miccailhuitontli (Little Feast of The Dead)
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Chicuace Mazatl/Six Deer
Mayan: Uac Manik/Six Deer, Grasp
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: psychic
Trecana Ruler: Ik
Direction: West
Element: Air (c)

Saturday, September 30, 2006 5 Cimi 19 Chen

2274 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
5 Cimi (day 226 of 260)
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Tree of Life:
West, Top, Past Support: 9 Etznab (Day 178)
North, Left, Feminine Support: 12 Eb (Day 12)
South, Right, Masculine Support: 11 Ahau (Day 180)
East, Bottom, Future Support: 1 Ix (Day 14) (c)

Friday, September 29, 2006 4 Chicchan 18 Chen

4 Chicchan (day 225 of 260) burner
2275 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Nahui Coatl Four Snake
Mayan: Can Chicchan Four Snake
Energy Type: burner
Sphere of Influence: psychic (c)

Thursday, September 28, 2006 3 Kan 17 Chen

Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
2276 days until 12-21-2012
3 Kan (day 224 of 260)
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Kan is the seed of infinite possibilities, the muse, all the ideas waiting to be put onto paper or into action. Kan represents inspiration. The lizard Kan represents fertility, expansion and growth. (c)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 2 Akbal 16 Chen

2 Akbal (day 223 of 260)
2277 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Your personal burner days (if 2 Akbal is your Mayan birthday): 11 Eb (Day 232); 5 Eb (Day 252); 12 Eb (Day 12); 4 Caban (Day 17); 11 Caban (Day 37);5 Caban (Day57); 12 Caban (Day 77); 4 Ik (Day 82); 11 Ik (Day 102); 5 Ik (Day 122);12 Ik (Day 142); 4 Manik (Day 147); 11 Manik (Day 167); 5 Manik (Day 187); 12 Manik (Day 207);4 Eb (Day 212) (c)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 1 Ik 15 Chen

1 Ik (day 222 of 260) portal
2278 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Trecana Ruler: Ik
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Affirmation: I speak
Planet(Arguelles): Uranus
Color: White
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Gemini/Mercury, Pisces/Neptune, Saturn
Aztec Deity: Quetzalcoatl (c)

Monday, September 25, 2006 13 Imix 14 Chen

13 Imix (day 221 of 260)
2279 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 13 Imix birthdays: Claude Monet, Patrick Stewart, John Cleese, Roberto Gomez BolaZos, Steve Winwood , Tony Blair, Christy Turlington, James "Munky" Shaffer, Scott Moffatt (c)

Sunday, September 24, 2006 12 Ahau 13 Chen

12 Ahau (day 220 of 260)
2280 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: As a piece of divinity, strive to be an expression of god wherever you go and whatever do. Imagine that you're an ambassador for the gods and what you do reflects directly upon how they're viewed by others. Even as you do this, remember that everyone else is also an ambassador and a slice of divinity. (c)

Saturday, September 23, 2006 11 Cauac 12 Chen

11 Cauac (day 219 of 260)
2281 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Cauac warns of greed and selfishness, and thinking if “one is good, three must be better” (which causes accidental overdoses, poisonings and addictions). Presuming to know the mind of the Divine or always questioning “why?” instead of accepting. (c)

Friday, September 22, 2006 10 Etznab 11 Chen

2282 days until 12-21-2012
10 Etznab (day 218 of 260) intention portal
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: You feel pressured to make a decision and there's no time to look at alternatives. Be decisive. Make up your mind quickly and then stick to your plan. (c)

Thursday, September 21, 2006 9 Caban 10 Chen

2283 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Caban warns that words and intentions are at cross purposes which limits or prohibits manifestation. Joking or half-meant words carry the seeds of unpleasant repercussions. Caban also represents a lack of faith in others and all that is outside oneself. (c)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 8 Cib 9 Chen

2284 days until 12-21-2012
Celebrate Cib--give up feeling guilty! If you've done wrong, make restituation. If you didn't do wrong, then why are you feeling guilty?
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 8 Cib birthdays: Charles Goodyear, Patsy Cline, Charles "Tom Thumb" Stratton, Alex Karras, Tony Roberts , Daryl Dragon, Bob Monkhouse, Don Adams, Steve Perry, Stevie Ray Vaughan (c)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7 Men 8 Chen

2285 days until 12-21-2012
7 Men (day 215 of 260)
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Trecana Ruler: Muluc
Direction: West
Element: Air
Affirmation: I know
Planet(Arguelles): Jupiter
Color: Blue (c)

Monday, September 18, 2006 6 Ix 7 Chen

2286 days until 12-21-2012
6 Ix (day 214 of 260)
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If today is your Tzolkin birthday, you have coyopa (lightning in the blood). You understand what makes relationships work, and what makes them fail. You know when a marriage won't last, or if a new hire isn't going to make the grade. You can't articulate why, or how you know, but you've been proven right many times. Others come to you for advice. Your shadow self can be irrational. (c)

Sunday, September 17, 2006 5 Ben 6 Chen

2287 days until 12-21-2012
5 Ben (day 213 of 260)
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Macuilli Acatl Five Reed
Mayan: Ho Ben Five Corn, Cane
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: spiritual
Trecana Ruler: Muluc
Direction: East Element: Fire (c)

Saturday, September 16, 2006 4 Eb 5 Chen

2288 days until 12-21-2012
4 Eb (day 212 of 260)
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 4 Eb birthdays: Lee Harvey Oswald, Hugh Hefner, Mike Ditka, Lee Marvin, Howard Stern, Andie Macdowell, Jason Alexander, Patricia Arquette (c)

Friday, September 15, 2006 3 Chuen 4 Chen

2289 days until 12-21-2012
3 Chuen (day 211 of 260) intention portal
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Chuen, the monkey, represents being different and looking at situation from a unique point of view. Chuen represents humor and finding the fun in every situation. The Aztec god of artists was represented as a monkey. Chuen symbolizes raw creativity and the drive and capacity to create (Kan supplies the ideas). (c)

Thursday, September 14, 2006 2 Oc 3 Chen

2290 days until 12-21-2012
2 Oc (day 210 of 260) intention portal
Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Tree of Life:
West, Top, Past Support: 6 Ik (Day 162)
North, Left, Feminine Support: 9 Cib (Day 256)
South, Right, Masculine Support: 8 Kan (Day 164)
East, Bottom, Future Support: 11 Etznab (Day 258) (c)

My Jaguar Nights 2007 Wall Calendar is now available for pre-order for a limited time only. Pre-ordered calendars will have FREE shipping. See sidebar or my web site.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 1 Muluc 2 Chen

2291 days until 12-21-2012
1 Muluc (day 209 of 260)
Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Keeping emotions bottled up results in a controlling, overbearing and artificial personality to which others respond poorly. It indicates a lack of trust in the universe, self and others. Rules and laws limit free action and speech. (c)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 13 Lamat 1 Chen

2292 days until 12-21-2012
13 Lamat (day 208 of 260)
Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: As the star, Lamat warns of looking for answers outside and giving away power. Unwanted or inappropriate inference in another’s life. Rabbit symbolizes drunkenness, debauchery, overindulgence, wastefulness, greed and taking more than a fair share.

Monday, September 11, 2006 12 Manik 0 Chen

2293 days until 12-21-2012
12 Manik (day 207 of 260)
Seating of Chen. Mayan meanings: Well & Cave of the Moon. Aztec name: Hueytecuilhuitl, meaning First Flower and Grand Feast of Lords
Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Manik is both the helping hand and the tool it grasps, representing divine assistance and synchronicity. The hand is always extended, but not always acknowledged. Manik, the tool, is any object or system which can improve a person, situation or the world. As the Deer, Manik represents the contradiction of the hunter who must pursue the deer to eat, but must also ensure the continuation of its species. (c)

Sunday, September 10, 2006 11 Cimi 19 Mol

2294 days until 12-21-2012
11 Cimi (day 206 of 260)
Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Affirmation: I change
Planet(Arguelles): Mars
Color: White
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Capricorn/Saturn, Scorpio, Pisces/Neptune, Moon
Aztec Deity: Tecciztecatl (c)

Saturday, September 09, 2006 10 Chicchan 18 Mol

10 Chicchan (day 205 of 260) burner
2295 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Tree of Life:
West, Top, Past Support: 1 Caban (Day 157)
North, Left, Feminine Support: 4 Chuen (Day 251)
South, Right, Masculine Support: 3 Cauac (Day 159)
East, Bottom, Future Support: 6 Ben (Day 253) (c)

Friday, September 08, 2006 9 Kan 17 Mol

2296 days until 12-21-2012
9 Kan (day 204 of 260)
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Yesterday was the celebration day for Akbal and I forgot to post that. Sorry.

Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Set up a romantic liaison for yourself, or help a friend. Make it as perfect as possible for both parties. Splurge a little, and economize in another part of your life. Indulge yourself in sensuality, be pampered and loved. (c)

Thursday, September 07, 2006 8 Akbal 16 Mol

8 Akbal (day 203 of 260) intention portal...2297 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
Celebration day for Akbal! Safe places, secret places, caves, churches, shadow selves...have fun and be safe.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Trecana Ruler: Cib
Direction: West
Element: Air
Affirmation: I enfold
Planet(Arguelles): Saturn
Color: Blue (c)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006 7 Ik 15 Mol

7 Ik (day 202 of 260) ...2298 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtlicue
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 7 Ik birthdays: Lou Gehrig, Michael Warren, Senator Joseph McCarthy, Wolfman Jack, Duane Allman , Gale Storm, Jean Smart, Anthony Edwards, Rosie Perez, Lucy Lawless, Nelly Furtado (c)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 6 Imix 14 Mol

6 Imix (day 201 of 260) ....2299 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If today is your Tzolkin birthday, you lack coyopa (the lightning in the blood). Others envy you. You're attractive and kind to everyone. You find it easier to be a loving person than a hateful one and you are an example of this in your daily life. You aren't a saint, but you are good at hiding the non-harmonious aspects of your personality. Your shadow self is afraid that you are actually worthless, stupid, and have nothing to offer the world. (c)

Monday, September 04, 2006 5 Ahau 13 Mol

5 Ahau (day 200 of 260) ...2300 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Macuilli Xochitl Five Flower
Mayan: Ho Ahau Five Lord, Sun
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: physical (c)

Sunday, September 03, 2006 4 Cauac 12 Mol

4 Cauac (day 199 of 260) ...2301 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Cauac warns of greed and selfishness, the kind of thinking where if “one is good, three must be better” which causes accidental overdoses, poisonings and addictions. Presuming to know the mind of the Divine or always questioning “why?” instead of accepting. (c)

Sorry about the late posting...something wrong with Blogger all morning.

Saturday, September 02, 2006 3 Etznab 11 Mol

3 Etznab (day 198 of 260) ...2302 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 3 Etznab birthdays: Napoleon Bonaparte, N.C. Wyeth, Edward Lear, Brooks Atkinson, Hoagy Carmichael , Glenn Miller, Arthur Kennedy, Melvin Van Peebles, Hal Linden, Maury Povich, Patricia Richardson, Jon Lovitz, Keanu Reeves, Tyra Banks, Enrique Iglesias, Zena Grey (c)

Friday, September 01, 2006 2 Caban 10 Mol

2 Caban (day 197 of 260) intention portal...2303 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Trecana Ruler: Cib
Direction: East
Element: Fire
Affirmation: I move
Planet(Arguelles): Uranus
Color: Red (c)

Thursday, August 31, 2006 1 Cib 9 Mol

1 Cib (day 196 of 260) ... 2304 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Ce Cozcacuauhtli One Vulture
Mayan: Hun Cib One Owl, Wax
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: spiritual (c)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 13 Men 8 Mol

13 Men (day 195 of 260) ...2305 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: When you become set in your ways and rigid in your thinking, your energy stops flowing freely. It's so gradual you may not be aware of it, but your thinking and reaction time slow until you become unresponsive. Accept the novel and the silly and the farfetched. (c)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12 Ix 7 Mol

12 Ix (day 194 of 260) ...2306 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Injustice is all around you. You cannot fight it all, all you can do is be fair and protect the weak and innocent when you see them being exploited. (c)

Monday, August 28, 2006 11 Ben 6 Mol

2307 days until 12-21-2012 ... 11 Ben (day 193 of 260)
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 11 Ben birthdays: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Robert Benchley, Rube Goldberg, Hedda Hopper, Elizabeth, The Queen Mother , Adelle Davis, Alger Hiss, Douglas Fraser, Betty Grable, Henry Ford II, Harold Nicholas, Eydie Gorme, Bonnie Franklin, James Brown, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Michael Douglas, David Brinkley, Ed Begley, Jr., Suzi Quatro, Quentin Tarantino, Xuxa, Alicia Silverstone (c)

Saturday, August 26, 2006 9 Chuen 4 Mol

9 Chuen (day 191 of 260) ...2309 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If 9 Chuen is your birthday, you lack coyopa (lightning in the blood). You love attention. As long as people's eyes are on you, you can do anything, but if their attention wanders, you'll do anything to get it back. Others find you amusing but sometimes distracting. Your shadow self is insecure and needy. (c)

Friday, August 25, 2006 8 Oc 3 Mol

2310 days until 12-21-2012 8 Oc (day 190 of 260)
Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
Today is 8 Oc--a celebration day. Oc (dog) represents loyalty, the people in your life who stick with you no matter what, unconditional love, and your guardian angels and spirit guides. Take a few minutes to thank those people. Maybe take them to lunch or dinner, send flowers. You know who, and you know what to do.

Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Affirmation: I help
Planet(Arguelles): Mercury
Color: White
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Leo, Scorpio, Taurus
Aztec Deity: Mictlantecuhtli (c)

Thursday, August 24, 2006 7 Muluc 2 Mol

7 Muluc (day 189 of 260) intention portal
2311 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 7 Muluc birthdays: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Louis Pasteur, John Tyler, Oscar Levant, Mel Blanc , Tyrone Power, Jackie Coogan, Sandy Duncan, Yvette Mimieux, Nipsey Russell, Dick Cavett, Rosanne Cash, Edward Norton, Erik "Everlast" Schrody, Christian Slater, Gary Barlow, Selma Blair (c)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6 Lamat 1 Mol

6 Lamat (day 188 of 260) ...2312 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhtli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Chicuace Tochtli Six Rabbit
Mayan: Uac Lamat Six Rabbit, Star
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: psychic
Trecana Ruler: Akbal
Direction: South
Element: Water (c)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5 Manik 0 Mol

5 Manik (day 187 of 260) ...2313 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Today is the seating of Mol "Reunion", which the Aztecs called Tecuilhuitontli, "Little Feast of Lords".
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Manik is both the helping hand and the tool it grasps, representing divine assistance and synchronicity. The hand is always extended, but not always acknowledged. Manik, the tool, is any object or system which can improve a person, situation or the world. As the Deer, Manik represents the contradiction of the hunter who must pursue the deer to eat, but must also ensure the continuation of its species.

Monday, August 21, 2006 4 Cimi 19 Yaxkin

4 Cimi (day 186 of 260) ...2314 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Trecana Ruler: Akbal
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Affirmation: I change
Planet(Arguelles): Mars
Color: White (c)

Sunday, August 20, 2006 3 Chicchan 18 Yaxkin

3 Chicchan (day 185 of 260) burner...2315 days until 12-21-2012
Gotta go see Snakes on a Plane today. It's 3 Snake AND a burner day!
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
no excerpt today

Saturday, August 19, 2006 2 Kan 17 Yaxkin

2 Kan (day 184 of 260) intention portal.... 2316 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue

I've been having a terrible time with Blogger since they merged with Google because my Google and Blogger screen names are the same but my passwords different. It's taken me an hour to get online today (8/20) and yesterday I didn't go online at all because my computer was in pieces while we moved furniture in the computer/bird room.

Friday, August 18, 2006 1 Akbal 16 Yaxkin

1 Akbal (day 183 of 260) ...2317 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
Hmm, the Lord of the Night is the ruler of the underworld and one of Akbal's meaning is the entrance to the cave of the underworld.
no excerpt today

Thursday, August 17, 2006 13 Ik 15 Yaxkin

13 Ik (day 182 of 260) ...2318 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #4: Cinteotl
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Beware of a tendency to babble today. You want to hear the sound of your own voice and you aren't discriminating about what you say. There's an urgency, an anxiousness, in the air; you feel that you have to put your thoughts into spoken word or you'll lose them. You may find yourself in a conversation where both of you are talking about different subjects with neither listening to what the other is saying.(c)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 12 Imix 14 Yaxkin

12 Imix (day 181 of 260)
Lord of the Night #3: Pilzintecutli
SPECIAL NOTE: Yesterday I started production on my NEW 2007 Jaguar Nights wall calendar. If you are interested, please post a comment and put your email address. If you don't wish your address to be picked up by spammers post it in this formation name at domain dot com --in that format my email address is geverabert at yahoo dot com.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 12 Imix birthdays: Alexander Graham Bell, Bob Hope, A.A. Milne, Kenneth Patchen, John Fogerty , Art Garfunkel, Irene Papas, Edwin Newman, Tom Watson, Olga Korbut, Debra Winger, Gary Oldman, Tony Gwynn, Steve Young (c)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11 Ahau 13 Yaxkin

11 Ahau (day 180 of 260) burner...2320 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #2: Itzli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If today is your Tzolkin birthday, you lack “coyopa;” the lightning in the blood. You're obsessed with death. You are not suicidal or fatalistic, but the idea of death, this great and unknowable transformation, fascinates you, and you study it whenever possible. The people around you think you're creepy. Your shadow self will not veer from its path. (c)

Monday, August 14, 2006 10 Cauac 12 Yaxkin

10 Cauac (day 179 of 260) ....2321 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #1: Xiuhtecuhli
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Mactlactli Quiahuitl Ten Rain
Mayan: Lahun Cauac Ten Storm
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: physical
Trecana Ruler: Oc
Direction: West Element: Air
Affirmation: I receive (c)

Sunday, August 13, 2006 9 Etznab 11 Yaxkin

9 Etznab (day 178 of 260) ...2322 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #9: Tlaloc
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Etznab warns of a period of indecision--not all elements are in place to make a choice. It also indicates lack of gratitude for services rendered, or improper compensation. Someone wants something for nothing. If desires don’t manifest, it is because there is no space for them. (c)

Problems with blogger today--weird out of memory errors, having trouble posting. Many have noted this error on the blogger Google group so Blogger knows about it.

Saturday, August 12, 2006 8 Caban 10 Yaxkin

8 Caban (day 177 of 260) ...2323 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #8: Tepeyollotl
Today's the celebration for Caban--earthquake/incense! Shake things up. Send your prayers up to heaven in whatever form pleases you. Burn incense.
Today's Lord also goes perfectly with the daysign. Tepeyollotl is the god of earthquakes & jaguars, among other things. He was the ruler the day I was born.
No excerpt today.

Friday, August 11, 2006 7 Cib 9 Yaxkin

7 Cib (day 176 of 260) intention portal...2324 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #7: Tlazolteotl
Interesting that today Filth Eater is ruling over Cib, the vulture, and the number is 7. Very good day to clean out your life and your house and your everything. Throw all the shit away, give it away, whatever. Get it gone. AND it's an intention portal. Intend to clean up your life in all ways.

No excerpt today, you got something good up there!

Thursday, August 10, 2006 6 Men 8 Yaxkin

6 Men (day 175 of 260) ...2325 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #6: Chalchiuhtitlicue
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Men, the eagle, represents applied wisdom and knowledge. Men works with the information Ben discovers. Men may represent a person who is wise in all things, or just someone with a bit of helpful knowledge in a specific topic or field. (c)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5 Ix 7 Yaxkin

5 Ix (day 174 of 260) ...2326 days until 12-21-2012
Lord of the Night #5: Miclantecutli
Today I'm starting a new feature: The Lord of the Night. This is another calendar with a 9 day loop which runs alongside all the others.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Ix, the Jaguar Shaman, is in tune with the self, nature and the Divine. Ix is both science. and magic, for magic is science. that’s not documented/understood yet. Ix is about the harmonious use of outside forces to affect change on many levels. (c)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006 4 Ben 6 Yaxkin

4 Ben (day 173 of 260) intention portal...2327 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Affirmation: I teach
Planet(Arguelles): Mars
Color: Red
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Libra/Venus, Sagittarius/Jupiter, Mars
Aztec Deity: Tezcatlipoca (c)

Monday, August 07, 2006 3 Eb 5 Yaxkin

3 Eb (day 172 of 260) ...2328 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 3 Eb birthdays: Famous People who share your Tzolkin Birthday:
William H. Harrison, Margaret Mead, Jane Austen, Jack Paar, , Christopher Walken, Pete Townshend, Anne Meara, Steven Bochco, Rory Calhoun, Rudi Gernreich, Stevie Wonder, Dan Aykroyd, Al Roker, Robby Benson, Stephanie Zimbalist, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Paula Abdul, Nelly (c)

Sunday, August 06, 2006 2 Chuen 4 Yaxkin

2 Chuen (day 171 of 260) ...2329 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Ome Ozomatli / Two Monkey
Mayan: Ca Chuen / Two Monkey
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: emotional
Trecana Ruler: Oc (c)

Saturday, August 05, 2006 1 Oc 3 Yaxkin

1 Oc (day 170 of 260) ...2330 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Tree of Life:
West, Top, Past Support: 5 Ik (Day 122)
North, Left, Feminine Support: 8 Cib (Day 216)
South, Right, Masculine Support: 7 Kan (Day 124)
East, Bottom, Future Support: 10 Etznab (Day 218)

Friday, August 04, 2006 13 Muluc 2 Yaxkin

13 Muluc (day 169 of 260) ...2331 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Keeping emotions bottled up results in a controlling, overbearing and artificial personality to which others respond poorly. It indicates a lack of trust in the universe, self and others. Rules and laws limit free action and speech. (c)

Thursday, August 03, 2006 12 Lamat 1 Yaxkin

12 Lamat (day 168 of 260) intention portal...2332 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Trecana Ruler: Caban
Direction: South
Element: Water
Affirmation: I indulge
Planet(Arguelles): Venus
Color: Yellow
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Gemini/Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Aquarius
Aztec Deity: Mayauel (c)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11 Manik 0 Yaxkin

11 Manik (day 167 of 260) ...2333 days until 12-21-2012
Today's the seating of Yaxkin, which means green and also "tender sun." The Aztecs called this month Etzalcualiztli, "Meal of corn and beans".
My beloved cat Zen left me yesterday on 10 death. I wrote about him on my other blog.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Failure to extend gratitude to those who help slows the journey down life’s path. Manik represents denial-denying thoughts, deeds and actions as well as denying others what they require. The Deer is a karmic warning to manage resources wisely or exhaust them to the detriment of all. (c)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006 10 Cimi 19 Xul

10 Cimi (day 166 of 260) ...2334 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Cimi illustrates fear of change, represents cessation of movement, energy and ideas, and illuminates fears of the unknown. Conditional statements (I love you if, my life would be better if) block acceptance and allowance. (c)

Monday, July 31, 2006 9 Chicchan 18 Xul

9 Chicchan (day 165 of 260) intention portal...2335 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Chicchan the serpent is k'ultanlilni (or kundalini) power coiled at the base of the spine, the energy of enlightenment in the prepared mind. Living up to potential. (c)

Sunday, July 30, 2006 8 Kan 17 Xul

8 Kan (day 164 of 260) ...2336 days until 12-21-2012
Celebration day for Kan! Let the muse inspire you today, allow creative energy to flow THROUGH you and into whatever artistic medium you choose.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Kan is the seed of infinite possibilities, the muse, all the ideas waiting to be put onto paper or into action. Kan represents inspiration. The lizard Kan represents fertility, expansion and growth.

Saturday, July 29, 2006 7 Akbal 16 Xul

7 Akbal (day 163 of 260) ...2337 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: The heavy, dragging darkness causes stagnation. It represents hiding in a dark cave, and licking wounds instead of taking action or making plans. The rejected parts are trying to make their voices heard. Feelings of insecurity and doubt cause stalling. (c)

Friday, July 28, 2006 6 Ik 15 Xul

6 Ik (day 162 of 260) ...2338 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Tzolkin birthday: You love words. Your speech and writing skills have been perfected, to the envy of others who see how easy it is for you to get your point across. You sometimes feel badly when you overhear someone inarticulate, or when you have to converse with such a person. You sometimes do something you know you shouldn't, because you realize that you can talk your way out of trouble. Your shadow self has an elaborate fantasy life, which you may draw upon if you're a writer or artist. (c)

Thursday, July 27, 2006 5 Imix 14 Xul

5 Imix (day 161 of 260) ...2339 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Work in a team or group and put your collective efforts toward making the world (or at least your local area) a better place. You can do it metaphysically through prayer or visualization or physically through some kind of action--best to combine the two. Don't wait for someone else to start, put yourself and your ideas forward and if no one will come with you, walk alone. (c)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4 Ahau 13 Xul

4 Ahau (day 160 of 260) burner...2340 days until 12-21-2012
4 Ahau...that means there are exactly 9 Tzolkin cycles until the new world is born. Today's a burner day too.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Ahau, the lord, symbolizes the highest and best which can be attained. Just like the flower is the most beautiful part of the plant, Ahau showcases humanity's inner divinity and highest achievements. The spark of the divine lives in all, just waiting to be acknowledged. Chicchan shows the path to enlightenment; Ahau is enlightenment. (c)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3 Cauac 12 Xul

3 Cauac (day 159 of 260) ...2341 days until 12-21-2012
Tomorrow is a burner day, the first one of this half of the Tzolkin. The effects tend to spread a little, like the full moon, so be on the lookout today also for unusual burner-day type happenings.
For today's excerpt I decided on the Tree of Life and noticed that one of the days (the north day) is a burner day. These days are echoes of today, or today contains an echo of them. Makes me want to re-examine burner days and portal days with respect to the tree of life information.
Jaguar Nights excerpt
Tree of Life:
West, Top, Past Support: 7 Chuen (Day 111)
North, Left, Feminine Support: 10 Chicchan (Day 205)
South, Right, Masculine Support: 9 Ben (Day 113)
East, Bottom, Future Support: 12 Manik (Day 207)

Monday, July 24, 2006 2 Etznab 11 Xul

2 Etznab (day 158 of 260) ...2342 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Affirmation: I give
Planet (Arguelles): Neptune
Color: White
Western Astrology Correlations (Scofield): Libra/Venus, Aries/Mars, Capricorn/Saturn
Aztec Deity: Chalchiuhtotolin (c)

Sunday, July 23, 2006 1 Caban 10 Xul

1 Caban (day 157 of 260) ...2343 days until 12-21-2012
Just over 100 days left of this Tzolkin.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Caban, the earthquake, demonstrates involuntary upheaval or great change (unlike Muluc, which is quick and voluntary). Caban destroys the old and creates a raw place which requires shaping, offering the opportunity to be completely different. Caban, the incense, carries affirmations, vows and prayers to the Divine (Ik carries the words of the Divine to humanity). Everything said is heard and acknowledged. (c)

Saturday, July 22, 2006 13 Cib 9 Xul

13 Cib (day 156 of 260) ...2344 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt
Famous 13 Cib birthdays: Ty Cobb, Raoul Wallenberg, Jean Harlow, Saul Bellow, James L. Brooks , Joe Garagiola, Aaron Neville, Mamie Van Doren, Rip Torn, Neil Diamond, Rush Limbaugh, Debby Boone, Brad Garrett, Jennifer Tilly, Tatum O'Neal, Glen Rice, Earl "DMX" Simmons, Rob Van Dam, Notorious B.I.G., Mayim Bialik (c)

Friday, July 21, 2006 12 Men 8 Xul

12 Men (day 155 of 260) intention portal...2345 days until 12-21-2012
Today is the last day of the intention portal string.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Men, the eagle, represents applied wisdom and knowledge. Men works with the information Ben discovers. Men may represent a person who is wise in all things, or just someone with a bit of helpful knowledge in a specific topic or field. (c)

Thursday, July 20, 2006 11 Ix 7 Xul

11 Ix (day 154 of 260) intention portal....2346 days until 12-21-2012
I was wrong yesterday. Today is the next-to-last portal in this string, not the last. Sorry.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Mactlactlce Ocelotl /Eleven Ocelot
Mayan: Buluc Ix / Eleven Jaguar
Energy Type: portal
Sphere of Influence: spiritual
Trecana Ruler: Kan
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Affirmation: I create (c)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10 Ben 6 Xul

10 Ben (day 153 of 260) intention portal 2347 days until 12-21-2012
Tomorrow is the last of this string of intention portals.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Ben, the Reed, is the pathfinder, exploring new places. Climb the mountain, not because it's there, but to find out what's on it; and then report back and reveal the path (Eb) to get there. Sharing knowledge. Ben also represents the Akashic Records, where all knowledge is stored and accessible for those who know how to seek it. (c)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9 Eb 5 Xul

9 Eb (day 152 of 260) intention portal...2348 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Your life is easy today, the path smooth. You're relaxed, friendly and easy-going. Because you feel so good, others cluster around you, and you're glad for the company and the companionship. (c)

Monday, July 17, 2006 8 Chuen 4 Xul

8 Chuen (day 151 of 260) intention portal...2349 days until 12-21-2012
Today is the celebration day for Chuen. Since the Monkey is kind of a party animal anyway, it's really a special day to cut loose and have some creative fun. The monkey can also be seen as your inner child, so be a little childish. Personally I like to color.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Chuen, the monkey, represents being different and looking at situation from a unique point of view. Chuen represents humor and finding the fun in every situation. The Aztec god of artists was represented as a monkey. Chuen symbolizes raw creativity and the drive and capacity to create (Kan supplies the ideas). (c)

Sunday, July 16, 2006 7 Oc 3 Xul

7 Oc (day 150 of 260) portal...2350 days until 12-21-2012
The most balanced Oc energy of this Tzolkin.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Listen to the voices of your spirit guides. They may whisper in your ear or speak through a book, song, or conversation overheard on the bus. Their guidance will help you through a problem you've been battling. (c)

Saturday, July 15, 2006 6 Muluc 2 Xul

6 Muluc (day 149 of 260) intention portal...2351 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 6 Muluc birthdays: Billy the Kid, Al Capone, Isadora Duncan, Lionel Hampton, Robert Cummings , Allen Funt, Walter Cronkite, Betty Ford, Jasper Johns, Norman Schwarzkopf, Naomi Judd, Anne Rice, Lynn Redgrave, Sam Elliott, Eva Gabor, Bill Mauldin, Sheryl Crow, Shaggy, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe

Friday, July 14, 2006 5 Lamat 1 Xul

5 Lamat (day 148 of 260) intention portal...2352 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Macuilli Tochtli / Five Rabbit
Mayan: Ho Lamat / Five Rabbit, Star
Energy Type: portal
Sphere of Influence: psychic
Trecana Ruler: Kan
Direction: South
Element: Water

Thursday, July 13, 2006 4 Manik 0 Xul

4 Manik (day 147 of 260) intention portal...2353 days until 12-21-2012
Today is the seating of Xul, the month the Mayans called "end" and the Aztecs called "Toxcatl" or "Dry Thing" (gotta love THAT translation).
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Manik is both the helping hand and the tool it grasps, representing divine assistance and synchronicity. The hand is always extended, but not always acknowledged. Manik, the tool, is any object or system which can improve a person, situation or the world. As the Deer, Manik represents the contradiction of the hunter who must pursue the deer to eat, but must also ensure the continuation of its species. (c)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3 Cimi 19 Tzec

3 Cimi (day 146 of 260) intention portal...2354 days until 12-21-2012
Today is the first of the intention portals in this Tzolkin....there's a string of them to get you going, and then they are spaced out. So intentions, prayers or action--whatever it is you do to acheive your goals--start it today.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If today is your Tzolkin Birthday: You have “coyopa;” the lightning in the blood. You aren't adventurous in your beliefs or actions. You are very cautious about change and you're not happy about compromise. Others see you as mousy and self-effacing. Your shadow self craves attention.(c)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2 Chicchan 18 Tzec

2 Chicchan (day 145 of 260) ...2355 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Chicchan energy can cause insanity in the unprepared mind. It represents not taking the proper steps, rushing to completion, ignoring the journey. Failure to reach potential. It also symbolizes the waste of energy, talent and resources. (c)

Monday, July 10, 2006 1 Kan 17 Tzec

1 Kan (day 144 of 260) ...2356 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Ce Cuetzpallin/One Lizard
Mayan: Hun Kan/One Seed, Ripe
Energy Type: normal
Sphere of Influence: mental
Trecana Ruler: Kan
Direction: South
Element: Water
Affirmation: I inspire
Planet(Arguelles): Jupiter
Color: Yellow
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Aries, Scorpio, Leo
Aztec Deity: UeUecoyotl (c)

Sunday, July 09, 2006 13 Akbal 16 Tzec

13 Akbal (day 143 of 260) 2357 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous 13 Akbal birthdays: Lee Strasberg, Roy Rogers, Melvin Belli, Neil Simon, Lauren Hutton , Gina Lollobrigida, John Mayall, Bob Dorough, Michael Caine, Quincy Jones, Fred "Mr." Rogers, Diane Keaton, Bob Barker, Courtney Love, Darren Hayes, Jon Lee (c)

Saturday, July 08, 2006 12 Ik 15 Tzec

12 Ik (day 142 of 260) ...2358 days until 12-21-2012
Today's my traditional birthday. That means I will have a 12 Ik year. That could be good or bad. Ik is communication (and I am a writer after all) but it's also being airheaded and spacey.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: All's right with the world, and you have a big smile on your face all day. Cashiers are courteous to you and all you come in contact with seem eager to please. In return, you tip lavishly, exude gratefulness, and tell everyone what a lovely day it is, leaving them with the memory of a genuinely happy, kind person. (c)

Friday, July 07, 2006 11 Imix 14 Tzec

11 Imix (day 141 of 260) ...2359 days until 12-21-2012
We're in the 2nd half of this Tzolkin cycle now.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Take care of yourself. Change at least one thing about your self or your surroundings, and also take the time to apologize to someone for a past wrong. Lifting the guilt from your shoulders will make you feel even better. (c)

Thursday, July 06, 2006 10 Ahau 13 Tzec

10 Ahau (day 140 of 260) reflection/burner...2360 days until 12-21-2012
Today is the final reflection day; tomorrow the calendar switches polarity to outgoing.
It's also a burner day so look for something big to happen.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Ahau illuminates a lack of expectations, indifference and apathy leading to low standards (or no standards at all). Neglecting the divine spark inside. Feeling that life isn’t worth living and that nothing matters. (c)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9 Cauac 12 Tzec

9 Cauac (day 139 of 260) Reflection....2361 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Tree of Life:
West, Top, Past Support: 13 Chuen (Day 91)
North, Left, Feminine Support: 3 Chicchan (Day 185)
South, Right, Masculine Support: 2 Ben (Day 93)
East, Bottom, Future Support: 5 Manik (Day 187)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006 8 Etznab 11 Tzec

8 Etznab (day 138 of 260) Reflectionl...2362 days until 12-21-2012
Today is the Celebration day (8) of Etznab. Etznab is about sacrifice and fairness and balance. Donate to charity or over-tithe. Give others a little extra. It will come back to you.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: If your life is filled to the brim with thoughts, activities, friends, and material possessions, there simply isn't space for growth or for new experiences. You must prune to get growth; move out the old to make way for the new. (c)

I will be away July 4-7; hopefully I will be able to keep up with these postings.
For the person wanting to know if this book is for sale, no it isn't, not yet (I'm trying to get attention for it with this blog) but if you send me your email address I'd be happy to send you some sample pages.
en lakech

Monday, July 03, 2006 7 Caban 10 Tzec

7 Caban (day 137 of 260) reflection...2363 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Caban, the earthquake, demonstrates involuntary upheaval or great change (unlike Muluc, which is quick and voluntary). Caban destroys the old and creates a raw place which requires shaping, offering the opportunity to be completely different. Caban, the incense, carries affirmations, vows and prayers to the Divine (Ik carries the words of the Divine to humanity). Everything said is heard and acknowledged. (c)

Sunday, July 02, 2006 6 Cib 9 Tzec

6 Cib (day 136 of 260) (Reflection) 2364 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Chicuace Cozcacuauhtli (Six Vulture)
Mayan: Uac Cib (Six Owl, Wax)
Energy Type: Reflection
Sphere of Influence: spiritual
Trecana Ruler: Chuen
Direction: South
Element: Water (c)

Saturday, July 01, 2006 5 Men 8 Tzec

5 Men (day 135 of 260) Reflection ....2365 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: The maxim "think globally, act locally" applies perfectly. You can't be everywhere and do everything, but you can do what you can where you are with the tools you've currently got. You can rake leaves in a park or plant nice flowers in your own yard, anything that makes a difference. (c)

Friday, June 30, 2006 4 Ix 7 Tzec

4 Ix (day 134 of 260) central...2366 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Ix, the Jaguar Shaman, is in tune with the self, nature and the Divine. Ix is both science. and magic, for magic is science. that’s not documented/understood yet. Ix is about the harmonious use of outside forces to affect change on many levels. (c)

Thursday, June 29, 2006 3 Ben 6 Tzec

3 Ben (day 133 of 260) Reflection...2367 days until 12-21-2012
Today's my Haab birthday: 6 Tzec. I don't usually celebrate it because it's very close to my "real birthday" (which is next week). Since the Haab is a solar 365 day calendar, your Haab birthday will never veer very far from your Western birthday, unlike the Tzolkin, which wanders all over the year. If you purchase a copy of Jaguar Nights, one of fun things provided is a table of each Tzolkin date's correspondence from 2001 to 2013. Sample below.

Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Western Calendar Correlations:
Thursday, July 05, 2001 ; Friday, March 22, 2002; Saturday, December 07, 2002 ; Tuesday, April 08, 2003 ;Monday, May 10, 2004 ; Tuesday, January 25, 2005; Wednesday, October 12, 2005 ; Thursday, June 29, 2006 ;Friday, March 16, 2007 ; Saturday, December 01, 2007; Sunday, August 17, 2008 ; Monday, May 04, 2009;Tuesday, January 19, 2010 ; Wednesday, October 06, 2010; Thursday, June 23, 2011 ; Friday, March 09, 2012;Saturday, November 24, 2012

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2 Eb 5 Tzec

2 Eb (day 132 of 260) Reflection....2368 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road:
The Aztec glyph for Eb is grass growing from a jawbone. This twisted grass represents karma. Most people are bound with sticky strands of karma. Karma says "I love you if" or "I love you because" while freedom says "I love you." Eb is also the road, the path of life, the journey.(c)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 1 Chuen 4 Tzec

1 Chuen (day 131 of 260) central...2369 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous people born on 1 Chuen: Sholem Aleichem, Damon Runyon, Helen Keller, Harold Lloyd, Joan Miró , Ward Bond, Buddy Ebsen, Ronald Reagan, James Farentino, Curtis Mayfield, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Charles Grodin, Anita Ekberg, Sam Shepard, Mario Cuomo, Kate Jackson, Leonard Maltin, Brett Butler, Alan Jackson, Tommy McCarthy (c)

Monday, June 26, 2006 13 Oc 3 Tzec

13 Oc (day 130 of 260) Reflection...2370 days until 12-21-2012
Today's the exact center of the Tzolkin--the linchpin. The days of Manifestation are definately over. Time to start formulating intentions.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: The world seems different, like something out of a sci-fi movie. Time and space are elastic spirals that you can almost (but not quite) see, and the understanding of how time and space interact is at the edge of your consciousness, looping past you with a promise to return again and again until you grasp the concepts involved. (c)

Sunday, June 25, 2006 12 Muluc 2 Tzec

12 Muluc (day 129 of 260) Reflection...2371 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous People born on this Tzolkin day: Woodrow Wilson, Eleanor Parker, Diane Sawyer, Herbie Hancock, Paul Mazursky , Don Francisco, Dudley Moore, Mark Harmon, Daryl Hannah, Julianne Moore, Chipper Jones, Riley Smith (c)

Saturday, June 24, 2006 11 Lamat 1 Tzec

11 Lamat (day 128 of 260) Reflection..2372 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Mactlactlce Tochtli/leven Rabbit
Mayan: Buluc Lamat/Eleven Rabbit, Star
Energy Type: Reflection
Sphere of Influence: psychic
Trecana Ruler: Etznab
Direction: South Element: Water
Affirmation: I indulge
Planet(Arguelles): Venus
Color: Yellow
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Gemini/Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Aquarius
Aztec Deity: Mayauel

Friday, June 23, 2006 10 Manik 0 Tzec

10 Manik (day 127 of 260) Reflectionl...2373 days until 12-21-2012
Today is the seating of Tzec, the Skull month, which the Aztec called Hueytozoztli "The Grand Vigil".
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Failure to extend gratitude to those who help slows the journey down life’s path. Manik represents denial-denying thoughts, deeds and actions as well as denying others what they require. The Deer is a karmic warning to manage resources wisely or exhaust them to the detriment of all. (c)

Thursday, June 22, 2006 9 Cimi 19 Zotz

9 Cimi (day 126 of 260) central...2374 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Cimi is transformation while Akbal is the place where transformation happens. Cimi describes the act of changing from one state to another with no judgement on the value of the change. Wife to mother, ordinary person to healer, employed to unemployed--Cimi touches all changes. (c)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8 Chicchan 18 Zotz

8 Chicchan (day 125 of 260) Reflectionl...2375 days until 12-21-2012
Happy Summer Solstice!
Happy Chicchan Celebration day!
How can we celebrate Chicchan? It's Kundalini, primal serpent energy, lower chakra energy. You want to move, to get your juices flowing and your energy going. If you do some kind of yoga or chi gung or tai chi, that's a good start. If not, today would be a fabulous day to learn!
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If today is your Tzolkin Birthday:
You have “coyopa;” the lightning in the blood. You're a natural healer, in harmony with yourself and your environment. You can instinctively soothe with your hands, voice or energy. Others are drawn to you, to learn and be healed, but they usually don't stay once their missions are accomplished. Your shadow self is restless and seeks transformation. (c)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 7 Kan 17 Zotz

7 Kan (day 124 of 260) Reflection ...2376 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights Excerpt:
Today's Tree of Life:
West, Top, Past Support: 11 Cib (Day 76)
North, Left, Feminine Support: 1 Oc (Day 170)
South, Right, Masculine Support: 13 Etznab (Day 78)
East, Bottom, Future Support: 3 Eb (Day 172)

Monday, June 19, 2006 6 Akbal 16 Zotz

6 Akbal (day 123 of 260) Reflection...2377 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Akbal is the dark cave of transformation (Cimi), the womb, the cocoon. Akbal signifies a state of readiness and a willingness to change. It is a place to be alone, to plan, to heal, to grow. Akbal is the dark shadow that must be accepted and integrated, not rejected. Akbal is the safest place: home, hidey-hole, security blanket. (c)

Sunday, June 18, 2006 5 Ik 15 Zotz

5 Ik (day 122 of 260) Reflection...2378 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If today is your Tzolkin Birthday:
You have “coyopa;” the lightning in the blood: No
You talk to people in the store while waiting in line, and you're even kind to tele-marketers. People fascinate you, and by speaking to as many as possible, you've learned quite a bit about the human condition. This makes you a shrewd negotiator, but others don't expect that from you. They see you as friendly, never realizing you're storing everything you learn to go over it later and learn from it. Your shadow self is a risk-taker who would propel you to the front of every confrontation you witness. (c)

Saturday, June 17, 2006 4 Imix 14 Zotz

4 Imix (day 121 of 260) Reflection day....2379 days until 12-21-2012
Today we enter the 20 day string of Reflection days. This is when the polarity of the Tzolkin switches from incoming energy (manifestation) to outgoing (intention). During this 20 day "reset", it's best not to take any actions or start anything. Just rest and reflect on what you received during this last 120 day manifestation period and what you will want to draw toward you during the next 120 intention period.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Imix represents carrying weight of the world--too much responsibility, not enough gratitude. Imix overprotects, smothers, takes away power, and punishes. (c)

Friday, June 16, 2006 3 Ahau 13 Zotz

3 Ahau (burner) day 120 of 260...2380 days until 12-21-2012
No excerpt today.

Thursday, June 15, 2006 2 Cauac 12 Zotz

2 Cauac (day 119 of 260) ...2381 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Sometimes you just don't know what to do or say. Improvise; make it up as you go along. If you're feeling very brave, admit that's what you're doing. (c)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 1 Etznab 11 Zotz

1 Etznab (day 118 of 260) ...2382 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Etznab, the flint knife, represents sacrifice. To allow anything new into your life, something must be allowed to go, to open a space. Etznab is energy exchange. It represents balance, choices and decisions. Etznab is a situation which can go either way. (c)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 13 Caban 10 Zotz

13 Caban (day 117 of 260) ...2383 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Famous people born on 13 Caban: Wassily Kandinsky, James Herriot, William Casey, Carroll O'Connor, Michael Dukakis , Hugh O'Brian, Catherine Deneuve, Ken Berry, James Baldwin, Dave "The Edge" Evans, Chris Jericho, Alanis Morissette
Your Personal Burner Days if born on 13 Caban:
9 Cimi (Day 126); 3 Cimi (Day 146); 10 Cimi (Day 166); 2 Chuen (Day 171); 9 Chuen (Day 191);3 Chuen (Day211); 10 Chuen (Day 231); 2 Cib (Day 236); 9 Cib (Day 256); 3 Cib (Day 16);10 Cib (Day 36); 2 Imix (Day 41); 9 Imix (Day 61); 3 Imix (Day 81); 10 Imix (Day 101);2 Cimi (Day 106)

Monday, June 12, 2006 12 Cib 9 Zotz

12 Cib (day 116 of 260)...2384 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Today's Energy: Forgive everyone who's ever wronged you. There are no offenses that are unforgivable…it's you who carries the burden of not forgiving and going on with your life. Don't forget to forgive yourself for allowing you to be in situations where you could be wronged. (c)

Sunday, June 11, 2006 11 Men 8 Zotz

11 Men (day 115 of 260) manifestation portal/burner...2385 days until 12-21-2012
Today's the last Manifestation portal of this Tzolkin cycle. The next portal days will be intention days, where you set your intention for the next Tzolkin. So if you didn't get what you wanted, you have 130 days to realign yourself with the universe and try again.
This is also a rare confluence of portal and burner energy. On burner days, large-scale events tend to happen, and because this is a manifestation portal, that means if a large group of people was working together, something could happen today.

Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Aztec: Mactlactlce Cuahtli/Eleven Eagle
Mayan: Buluc Men/Eleven Eagle, Wise One
Energy Type: portal/burner
Sphere of Influence: spiritual
Trecana Ruler: Chicchan
Blogger has been having problems lately--I haven't been able to log on, or when I can log on, I can't publish. I apologize for these extremely late postings but some things are out of my control.

Saturday, June 10, 2006 10 Ix 7 Zotz

10 Ix (day 114 of 260) manifestation portal...2386 days until 12-21-2012
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Easy Red Road: Ix, the Jaguar Shaman, is in tune with the self, nature and the Divine. Ix is both science. and magic, for magic is science. that’s not documented/understood yet. Ix is about the harmonious use of outside forces to affect change on many levels. (c)

Friday, June 09, 2006 9 Ben 6 Zotz

9 Ben (day 113 of 260) manifestation portal...2387 days until 12-21-2012

Jaguar Nights excerpt:
If today is your Tzolkin Birthday:
You have “coyopa;” the lightning in the blood: Yes
Your life seems like one giant crusade. If it's not one cause, it's another that you're defending, sometimes at great cost. Others admire your preference but feel badly when you lose. Your shadow self is completely committed to whatever path you're on. (c)

Thursday, June 08, 2006 8 Eb 5 Zotz

8 Eb (day 112 of 260) portal...2388 days until 12-21-2012
Today is the celebration day for Eb, the path, the road, the twisted grass of karma. Take a different road today in all that you do. Say goodbye in your heart to the past and let it go.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
Affirmation: I release
Planet(Arguelles): Earth
Color: Yellow
Western Astrology Correlations(Scofield): Pisces/Neptune, Libra/Venus, Pluto, Mars
Aztec Deity: Patecatl

Wednesday, June 07, 2006 7 Chuen 4 Zotz

7 Chuen (day 111 of 260) manifestation portal...2389 days until 12-21-2012
Interesting that yesterday was the dreaded 06-06-06 and today is day 111 of 260. Numbers are fun.
Excerpt from Jaguar Nights:
Aztec: Chicome Ozomatli/Seven Monkey
Mayan: Uuc Chuen/Seven Monkey
Energy Type: manifestation portal
Sphere of Influence: emotional
Trecana Ruler: Chicchan
Direction: West
Element: Air
In Chinese Astrology I am a monkey and so is my best friend, and so is her daughter.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006 6 Oc 3 Zotz

6 Oc (day 110 of 260) manifestation portal...2390 days until 12-21-2012
Oh yes, today is the dreaded 06-06-06....and no I'm not frightened. I wish I was in Grand Cayman so I could go to Hell. (I know Hell, Michigan is having a party--I'm sure the crazy old guy who owns Hell GC is probably having one too.) This date has nothing to do with anything except a movie premier. It's just a trick of how it's written. Just like we recently had 04-05-06--big whoop; in the US it happened in April and in the UK it happened in May.
Actually there is a gate today--I forgot about that. One of the 12 gates opening up to usher in a better rebirth experience on 12-21-2012. This is the 6th gate of 12.
Jaguar Nights excerpt:
The Challenging Black Road: Oc warns of failure to recognize help in its many forms (including the tools and helping hand of Manik) and not heeding advice from the wise (Men). It also symbolizes preconceived ideas, stereotypes and judgments which limit experiences. (c)